We provide a solution to identify country, region, city, latitude & longitude, ZIP code, time zone, connection speed, ISP, domain name, IDD country code, area code, weather station data, mobile network codes (MNC), mobile country codes (MCC), mobile carrier, elevation, usage type, address type, advertising category, VPN and residential proxies.
FindIP is a non-intrusive free and unlimited IP location lookup technology that retrieves geolocation information with no explicit permission required from users. All you need is your client’s IP address.
It works for all IP addresses including IPv4 and IPv6 in one database or API. Simple and no extra cost required for IP location lookup.
It can be seamlessly integrated into any software platforms to retrieve IP geolocation information using a simple REST API.
Our real-time geolocation API service is used by thousands of developers, SMBs and large corporations all around the world.
From few requests a month to a million requests a day — our infrastructure has got you covered.
Our dedicated customer support team will be at your service whenever you need assistance.
CORS defines a way for client web applications that are loaded in one domain to interact with resources in a different domain. CORS Domains can be managed in our admin panel.
Start using the API totally free in just few steps
Sign up free with your email
GET your API key for free (unlimited)
Just append the IP Address and the API_KEY parameter to the API's base URL: https://api.findip.net/IP_Address/?token=YOUR_API_KEY
If you can not find answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us or email us. We will answer you shortly!